Halo Headbands HSWHITE Solar Headwear
I had bought this for the holidays but just gave it to my son at 2 1/2 for something fun for us to do outside this fall and he LOVES it!!!! He also has a Kettler trike that was given to him as a gift, but he will not even attempt to pedal it. He will let me push him on it but won't even let me put his feet on the pedals. This Kazam bike is just adores!!!! He feels like a big kid on it. We have the seat at the lowest setting (he is a very tall 2.5 yo, more the size of a 3.5 year old), and in less than a month he can now lift his feet off the ground while coasting for a couple of seconds. His balance on the bike has greatly improved and we have to plead with him to put the bike away to come in for dinner. He can propel himself quite fast on it now and is beginning to balance independently. I anticipate this spring he will master the bike. I was looking for a gross motor activity for him this fall, and this bike has been a great way for him to burn off some energy - he has even made it entirely around the block on it! It has also taught him to steer, which has carried over to his other ride on type toys. I'm sure eventually he will pedal a bike, but he's not interested now, so the Kazam has been a great way for him to enjoy the bike experience. This was a wonderful purchase and I am so glad I didn't wait until the holidays to give it to him, as he would have had to wait many more months to enjoy it. I highly recommend this bike!!!!
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